
Flashmobs: Gotta love 'em!

I never really knew what a flashmob was until I saw one on MTV a few years ago... then I realized, it was something that I did almost everyday, back at my old high school in Cuba, whenever we danced in ruedas de casino. It was pretty cool, I might add. Anyways, here's my top five flashmobs. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

1. Bunch of people at the beach dancing to ABBA? Oh, yeah!

2. For Gleeks from Gleeks. (Props for being hardcore fans and actually using the dance steps from Glee. Also, the awesome marriage proposal is a bonus!)

3. Julie Andrews voice in The Sound Of Music will always be a classic. I think so and they do too. 

4. Honestly, everybody dances to Beyonce. That's like, a law!

5. Dancing flashmobs? Yes, those are pretty awesome; but to actually see a flashmob that creates music instead of a super fun dance? Count me in, please! The next as last video is, by far, one of my favorites. I mean, lets get real, nothing gets better than classic music. Ever. Check out this incredible orchestra belting out Ode to Joy in the middle of a park and just see the greatness for yourself. 

Oh, that was fun to do! Let me know which one you liked more, or just hit me with your favorite flashmobs, since I would like to see more! 

1 comment:

  1. Lol I only cared to watch the Ode To Joy one and it was beautiful!!!!!!!
