
Dream on, dream on, dream on... dream until your dreams comes true.

Even the silliest sight, whispered word or smaller sound can trigger a memory from the past or a wish from the future. It's incredibly easy to get caught up in a moment, really, remembering what you used to want to be or trying to figure out how you will turn out.

At least that's what happens to me, anyways.

People that doesn't know me usually complains about my lack of attention because it seems to them like I'm always living in a world that only I can access (which is both a privilege and a curse, really). And I have to admit that what they say is true 95% of the time, because I'm always trying to dream. I like to do it when I go to sleep -especially because it would keep the nightmares at bay, duh!- but it's even more fun when you just do it while being awake and entirely aware of everything that surrounds you.

Albus Dumbledore once said: 

Usually, I dream of things involving writing or something related to it. Like me, owning a really cool editorial. Being an Oscar recipient for best script, writing a Tony Award winning musical, becoming a best seller author, or getting the lead role on a really cool TV series like Girls, Game Of Thrones or even Glee. You know, pretty usual stuff for me. Although sometimes I step away from my comfort zone, like the following example:

I have never really dreamed of being a performer on Broadway or be a great music icon because I can't even hit Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do in the proper way. Seriously. But that never stops me from getting too caught up in a random moment... One second I'm in the shower, belting at the top of my lungs "No Good Deed" (what can I say, I absolutely adore Idina Menzel and Wicked; besides when I dream, I dream big, so just roll with it) and the next, when I close my eyes, I find myself standing in the middle of a stage -with the spotlight all over me and in front of many, many people- singing my heart out, being adored, feeling like a freaking rockstar. 

It might sound silly, but I can tell you for sure you that at the end of the shower I will be all smiles because I'll be feeling extremely better. That's a guarantee.

Never feel ashamed of what you dream because those thoughts and hopes are a fundamental part of what inspires you and keeps you moving forward on life. But more importantly, and since it won't hurt at all to do so, never be afraid of letting your imagination go wild.

(Here's a picture of something I'm always telling everyone around me...)
(They look at me weird, but whatever, I love it!)

Just remember to keep the childish part of yourself always close to your heart, and I assure you that life will be and feel even better than before.