
Be Happy

Have you smiled today? Because I certainly have, and a lot.

There's many reasons why you should be doing so right now, really, you just need to open your heart and let them find you. Even when it seems like a really crappy day or the end of the world, there's always something out there that will make you want to be strong, to keep going, to be happy.

A videogame+movies+pizza sleepover with your best friends, getting a very nice review from a stranger appreciating your work, awesome music, friends almost breaking your alarm clock because you forgot to turn it off (sorry, Bea and Gina!), a relative sending you messages to make you laugh, your OTP finally getting a chance to be together. Hell, maybe even an hilarious post in Tumblr... It doesn't matter if the reason is important or small and silly, what really should matter is that you're smiling and being happy.

So, go on, have a great night, go to bed smiling and have sweet dreams because people loves you and you are special. And awesome, too.

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